But whether or not you agree with photo retouching service the logic of antidesign, this philosophy essentially describes what antidesigners seek to prove with their work: there's nothing more dystopian than a digital environment that eliminates the need to think of the user. The characteristics of antidesign — As antidesign reacts to design conventions, its characteristics are not fixed. Ten years from now, the conventions of digital design could be completely different, and antidesign would naturally change based on that. An anti-design website for a health and wellness brand Website design by Ian Douglas Antidesign is also about creating a unique and original experience.

This means that the look of antidesign depends on the designer and what he wants to express. The most constant feature in antidesign is the element of surprise. That said, however, here are some of the more common features: Asymmetry Superimposed and overloaded texts and images Garish colors No grid mismatched elements Antidesign: an antihistory — Antidesign has no traditional history to speak of, as it cannot be traced back to a decade. In a way, since art has existed, aesthetic standards have developed. And as long as these norms existed, a new generation of artists wanted to free themselves from them. Antidesign claims to be innovative, but it's fair to wonder if it's really something new.